Friday, March 16, 2012

Going Back in Time - on the Blog and on The Cornish House

The past two posts have been well received...thank you. So that had me thinking about my drafts and my process as it has developed. Then I remembered an exercise that I did on the first scene of The Cornish House...and particular on verbs. Yes, verbs...those action things that motor our stories along.

Here's the post.

Now first let me say you would go mad if you did this through a whole 100,000 word script (however it might be better for it) but it's a very useful exercise on a scene or two to check how you are doing on the language front.

I also found it interesting as this was done in 2009 and the first page is different now...although much of it's the same....I wonder if I fished around in my archives what the original first page looked like back in 2006.

Here's page one out of the bound uncorrected proofs...can't remember what changed on this post copy edits and proofing...

Have you ever scrutinized your wirting like this? has it helped?


Anita Chapman said...

Hi Liz, enjoying these posts. I'll give this a try-good to find a new way to polish those early scenes to submit to agents.

Unknown said...

Anita - those first few pages sell you to the agent, publisher and eventually to the reader :-) Good luck.