Friday, January 19, 2007


Still can't add to the side bar!

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
16,467 / 100,000

It's coming on. Right now I'm having to push back from wanting to work again on August Rock but the first draft of A Cornish House must be complete before AR receives another look.

It's been good to see how the other racers are doing. The Friday coffee break at Kate's, is very motivating for me. I couldn't limp in there not having reached my goal of 5000 words. Next week must try and do better though. A few days I felt I was beginning to get into the groove then I let myself be sidetracked! Not good enough. Must find focus.


Caroline said...

I am so impressed.
You're a star.

Unknown said...

You are too kind!!!

Anonymous said...

Crumbs! You're doing brilliantly!! Keep it up :)


Sarah Lefebve said...

Thanks for the egg-timer tip Liz! I'm going to try it later if I'm still lacking motivation.

I'm spending today doing research so hopefully that will inspire me!

Have a great weekend!

Lesley Cookman said...

Keep going, Liz. You're doing far better than I am - oh, and ignore any less then encouraging comments coming from other sources - how dare she/he/it!

Phillipa said...

Hi Liz - just dropping by from Jess's blog to wish all the best for the new year. Happy writing! P x

Sarah Lefebve said...

Liz - thank you so much for the tip. I didn't use the egg timer, but I did look at the project in smaller chunks.
I am very easily distracted - and American Pop Idol was on the telly, so I yo-yoed between my desk and the living room, and gradually clocked up a couple of thousand words!
As I am getting closer to the end, though, I am finding that I am rushing things a bit. Is that a bad thing? I know I will go back and edit it and it will be much better anyway....
Should I slow myself down?

I would value your advice!


Unknown said...

Thanks Jen!!

Happy to hear the egg timer idea is working. Keep it up Sezzie!

Hi Lesley. Thanks I have been ignoring things........You will find your stride with the racers. Promise. We're a great bunch.

Hi Phillipa. Thanks for popping by. Your Decenet Exposure is on my tbr pile :) Looking forward to it!