Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just Had to Post This

Yesterday was brilliant. The words flowed.....well late in the day but that's a minor technicality. But while I was dithering I wandered over to read Miss Snark's ( latest and there I found words that every struggling writer needs to hear. Some poor soul asked her when to give up and her reply was well brilliant. In fact I may make a poster of it. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this but here is here beautiful reply:

"Never.Publication may be nice but it's not the only reward.The very act of writing is its own reward. It teaches you (if you pay attention) how to see the world through different eyes; how to wield language skilfully; how to organize a persuasive presentation.You recognize that writing is a creative art and brings you joy.You recognize that doing something difficult over and over again, and trying your utmost to improve is a worthy endeavor even if you fall short of your goal.You recognize that these moments of despair or frustration or fear are part of the process, and will make the achievement of your goal just that much sweeter."

So now I can never give and must stop procrasentating and write another 3000 words today. yes I did squeeze in another 1000 last night while the groove was on.


Caroline said...

Wise words.
Never give up. Ok I will remember that in my deepest and darkest moments.


Unknown said...

Yes, but also remember you have made it to publication. Your book is out in 114's the party planning going?

Jenny Beattie said...

Oh those are brilliant. It's how I feel at the moment: it's the writing that's the process for me - as was the making of the art while at art college, and the exhibiting was HORRIBLE. I suppose when/if I ever get closer to something possibly publishable, I may change my ideas. Watch this space.

But you are doing brilliantly, Liz, well done. Keep at it.

Unknown said...

Thanks JJ!

Anna Louise Lucia said...

Miss Snark is so right!

Unknown said...

Yes, today has been one of those days where i have needed to read the words again. Where has my groove of yesterday gone?

Nichola said...

Usually it's people who have been published who say publication doesn't matter. It's not the only reason I write but do I want it? HELL YEAH!

I've often challenged those who say they're not bothered about it to stop submitting. If you don't mind whether or not you're published, lock up your manuscript and never let an agent see it!

Me? I fully admit to being materialistic and desirous of fame and fortune...I want to be rich enough to eat diamonds!

Although I prefer chocolate.

Unknown said...

I have always wanted to be a 'writer' and I am one now but you don't get full validation until you are published. I have had articles published and in my deep dark past there was a history I wrote for a small island off of Massachussets but somehow that doesn't count........Miss Snark's words do help. I love writing. It makes me happy. I am finally doing what i have dreamed of....but publication would validate the whole thing.......hand me the chocolate PLEASE

Jessica Raymond said...

Thanks for posting that, Liz. Sometimes I find writing really hard work and reading pieces like that always make me pull up my socks and get back to work!

Jess x

Unknown said...

Jess you are doing so well no pulling of socks required! Keep it up.

Rose Red Art said...

Those are some great words there!

I'm fairly new to creative writing and I've recently had a few wobbles about my work (is it good enough, am I good enough?...)but I like what I've written so far and even if it never gets published, fine. I know that I've written something I'm proud of and it's sitting on my bookcase if no one else's.

Unknown said...

a. writer you have a great attitude. Kepp going:-)

Caroline said...

113 days.
I am going to need a lot of hand holding near to the date. Please.

Unknown said...

With pleasure......I'm so excited for you. In Serach of Adam in on my order list (I wait until I have enough books for free I cheap??) Of course you may not want me to read it? Am I one of the banned persons???