Tuesday, February 06, 2007

DD's thought's on Love

"How do you want me to start? Ah, I know. Love is sort of a blockage in your life and your have to get past it. There is only one way. You have to use it and that’s the way. It’s a gift from God that some people take and some people don’t. Some people have to take from their fathers. Love is a chance for friends, family and happiness. And when you take that chance you have to live with it because you can’t stop it, you can’t just say go away. Love is a pure thing to have and a very good thing to have too. "

These are my 7yr. old DD thoughts on Love at 7:54 this morning. Just thought I share the young philosopher's pov :-)


Anonymous said...

Aw, that's really lovely... amazing how children can hot the mail on the head sometimes. I must confess, I've never thought of love as being a bloackage before, but now she comes to mention it.......

Unknown said...

Yes, it does bring to mind constipation but I wasn't going to mention that to her!

Caroline said...

Wow. That's deep. I really like the idea that it's a blockage. I've had many blockages in my life! You've got yourself a little emerging writer.

Are the initials names or short for something that I've missed?


Unknown said...

DD stands for Darling daughter - not very inspired.....pet name is chicken but I don't think she would want to the world to know that somehow.......

Caroline said...

Liz - chicken is a fab name. We have princess, bear and J. Middle child determined to change his name to bear!


Jane Henry said...

Love is... how would Posy Simmons draw that?

Much deeper then my opinings on the subject yesterday!

The things kids say...

love jx

Lucy Diamond said...

How sweet. I love it when children get all deep and meaningful!