As is always - these are just my notes and a totally flawed - please forgive the many mistakes
Martin Amis in Conversation with Paul Blezzard
Paul opened with – language was closest to Martin’s heart and when did it begin?
M- it began in adolescence and he hopes the ‘book’ will never disappear. He was very self aware and articulate and during adolescence is when you begin conversations with self in a notebook, diary…we commune with ourselves and the book is a perfect self companion.
Writers never really grow out of the phase – the process of self communing – all writers are adolescents to a certain extent.
His early works were hopeless.
PB – Writers and age?
M- he feels that the talent will die out before the body and he can’t find many exceptions to the rule. He pointed out the Shakespeare and
Exquisite tragedies – to live with words and to be deserted by them yet he will go on as long as he can – not giving up
He quoted Cheever – everything I read is not short enough
500 page novel is very different from the shorter one – the mass is more difficult to master
P. Roth quoted – harder to keep the whole mass in your mind
Writing is connected to Eros
The tactic of writing the short he feels is fine
not to lose the musicality- the paragraph that comes out of nowhere – decreases with age but you gain craft – early book deficit in expertise.
PB - Craft is the greatest pleasure?
M- no, it’s more general than that.
Quoted Saul Bellow – see the universal in the particular
He said the rest of us work the other way. Life is dead –a huge dead novel – it is not faithful to our experience – artifice gives it life – mirror experiences don’t breathe life into a novel – real life…nothing happens
P Roth – write fiction about what didn’t happen or what might have happen
It is a very English book – very diffident
When in Italy he kept feeling like he was in an oil painting
Wring is mysterious – only a writer knows how mysterious
Decide is never a groping process
About is wrong
Around is better
Subconscious does a lot of work for you
There aren’t many sad things about being a novelist, but you have to spend time over dead things
Writer’s block is when the subconscious is switched off
PB – Can writing be taught?
Quoted Nabokov – there is only one school of writing and that is talent.. but then went on to say you can teach craft and habits. His 19 year old self would have loved to chat to his 60 year self
He has learned to walk away when he comes across the slightest impediment – he reads
Writing is a physical business not just the mind – the body and the mind combined in a way
He described a writers life –
-living – not very relevant but necessary but does provide inspiration – brith, death...
-reading – fuel – influence/stealing – his are Nabakov and S. Bellow
The pleasures of writing and reading are the same – solving difficulties – readers create as well as writers – writers invite the reader to create the character in their heads...osmotic ..guest/host
He was asked how many words a day? Some days none, but never a week without – 500 words of fiction takes a lot of thinking time.
..Darker aspects of human nature – is he an optimists or a pessimist? All writers are lovers of life and the urge to put it down is a loving one
How does he physically write? The mechanics of writing...ritualized...talisman...he writes in long hand however the computer is suited to writers as writers need to insert. He writes in long hand – a flow of ink like the flow of love.
Asked about rejection...the treadmill of rejection having your child criticized and that’s why he doesn’t admit to a’s like your child and their is nothing you can do about it
What’s he working on now? He’s just finishing one and knows the next...senility and dementia have not got him yet...
However today is not all bad news because the wonderful Caroline Smailes was running a competition on her blog which I won! So soon I will be or more correctly one of children will the proud owner of a signed copy of Jon Mayhew's new book Mortlock!(‘Mortlock’s’ dark and alternative Victorian world is unforgiving as it pulls you into its grasp, snagging hold and refusing to let go until it has disgorged its gruesome secrets.) So today is good and let's hope my luck continues to success with flights.
Liz, thank you for the fascinating insight into Nartin Amis's 'process' and huge huge hugs on the travel arrangements - to you and everyone affected. P x
Great notes (thank you - again), but what a pain that pesky ash is being.
Thanks Phillipa...
Chris the ash is a pain and I feel bad about dd missing her French trip but things could be worse.
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