Sunday, September 02, 2007

Looking Forward

The weight of sorting the house is upon me and I am procrastinating like crazy. In fact I shouldn't be blogging but sorting and packing! However this morning I was thinking about Dubai and how much I enjoyed living there three years ago. There many things that made it a special time. I've posted a few photos from my fortieth birthday surprise - two nights at the Al Maha Resort in the desert. I hat camping for my card from dearly beloved said he was treating me to two nights in a tent. Click hereto see the tents!

So I sat this morning thinking about the things aside from writing that I will do. This time I will take Arabic lessons as last time I didn't and I regretted it. I will take up belly dancing again (OK have you stopped laughing now?) - it is brilliant exercise and such fun. I hope we will be able to travel in the region more. When there last time with had to cope with the SARS threat and the war. Having said that we traveled frequently to Oman and once to Jordan and Egypt.

So trying to look forward and focusing on clearing so I can get there!


Lane Mathias said...

Liz it looks fantastic. Like the idea of belly dancing:))
All the best with the packing up...
Does Snowy travel with you?

Lane Mathias said...

ooh just clicked on the 'tents'.

Unknown said...

Yes, snowy is comin g but not on the same plane I'm afraid....

Yes, it was amazing. A great way to see in my fortieth years- i can just about remember it!

Rachel Green said...

How superb!
I love the look of the place.

*ahem* I did belly dancing for a couple of years, too. I gave it up because the tutor wanted us to go out as a group and I didn't like the leching that went on.

Flowerpot said...

am most envious about the belly dancing!! If you have time to meet for a coffee next week give me a shout - otherwise keep in touch via blogs and email! best of luck with the packing.

cs harris said...

It'll be fun! I'm envious. And I never learned Arabic beyond the basics either.

Lisa said...

I applaud you for taking on the belly dancing! A very brief lesson for me a couple of years ago led me to believe there are those who pick it up very naturally and then -- there are people like me :)