It's taken me over a week to get to this....Christmas!!!! Jessica Raymond tagged me. I reallly enjoyed reading her list of things that she had to "bold up to". But I haven't got time for that with getting everything done (at least that is the excuse that i am sticking to!) I have also been tagged by Nell Dixon and i think I can just about handle it!
Here goes:-)
Four Jobs I've held:
1. waitress
2. gift wrapper
3. insurance agent coordinator schlumberger spouses association
Four Places I've lived:
1. Boston, MA
2. Calgary, Alberta
3. Moscow
4. Jakarta, Indonesia
I could keep going on this for a bit more :)
Four favorite foods:
1. ice cream
2. chocolate
3. steak
4. lettuce
Four Movies:
1. Lord of the Rings (all three!)
2. Kate and Leopold
3. High Society
4. An Affair to Remember
TV Shows
1. Spooks
2. The State Within
3. Dr. Who
Four Place I've Traveled
1. China
2. Oman
3. Jordan
4. Mexico
Four places I'd like to Visit
1. India
2. Austraila
3. New Zealand
4. Spain
Four Websites I Go To Daily:
1. Julie Cohen
2. Jessica Raymond
3. e-harlequin
4. Dantu Kean
i won't tag anyone as it is now to close to the holidays!!! Back to organizing Chrsitmas :)
I tagged you too! Although my broadband went down and I couldn't tell you I had...Wish my places I've lived was as interesting as yours!
What Fiona said! I didn't know you were such a globetrotter :)
Jess x
Thanks.......yes the list i think may grow longer next year!
I didn't see my name when I looked on your list Fiona......guess I need my eyes checked:)
great list!
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