Sunday, April 08, 2012

A Few Simple Publicity Tips and Happy Easter

I'm not sure the title of the post is quite right but it will have to do. It's now less than two months to the publication of The Cornish House. I'm both thrilled and terrified. I also know I have missed opportunities and should have done more. I am at the bottom of the food chain...however some things are right..

Cover - it is gorgeous and every time I put a copy out people pick it up and inevitably say I want that house

Title - The Cornish House, simple evocative

Tag Line - Can a house heal a broken heart?...perfect for my market and it says it all-the house is key to the story of someone with a broken heart

So the book's contents will have to speak for themselves very soon but even before then the word needs to seep out there.

Simple thing, first is to tell every single soul you know. If you can't tell family and friends how are you going to tell strangers...I'm now getting quite good about that and whipping a post card out of my hand bag... (at first it feels like you are about to declare yourself a mass murder...I'm a novelist and my first kill... I mean book is out on 24th May...)

Now onto the more technical things I have learned...
1. get the tags right on the bottom of your Amazon listing- this helps people randomly search for books about certain thing
2. get family and friends to 'like' the Amazon listing - the more likes the more it will appear on the site. If you are feeling generous here's the link. The like button is right under the author's name...
3. for blog posts you can now Google plus them...this increases the search rating in Google. So for every blog I visit even if I don't comment I hit the G+ button to help the post along the way - it takes seconds and you've helped someone out
4. mix it up - sometimes I'll tweet things and sometimes I Facebook things and sometimes I blog things...and of course sometimes I do all of the above
5. finally don't be afraid to ask...for help, to write an article, a review...they can only say no and if they do you move on and try again...

This past weekend I heard the words that the author is best placed to sell their book. This is true. The author also has the most invested in it especially in the early invest and do it often and do it nicely....

Hope you have a wonderful Easter!


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

All useful things to know, thanks.

Liz Harris said...

Ditto to what Debs said, Liz.

Liz X

Liz Harris said...

Ditto to what Debs said, Liz.

Liz X