Friday, July 10, 2009

Romantic Novelist Conference - Penrith

First sorry for the silence this week but I have been traveling again - in the UK that is. Now I am sitting in my little room here in Penrith and loving the fact that I am spending the weekend with the a fabulous group of writers. My liver is shaking in fear but aside from that all is well.

My intensive writing time began on the train to London where I managed another 2000 words on Penderrown. I am now just over 70,000 and I see it all pulling together. It's a good feeling, but I do know that this is the messiest draft I have ever written so the real work is ahead of me. Just a few years ago this would have frightened me almost into a state of inability to move forward, but now I know it's really the fun part - carving out a decent book from the muddled mass of words of the first draft.
I haven't yet responded to the comments on last week's post on emotional scenes. The comments have been amazingly insightful and I will be going back to them as I rewrite and work hard with the all important and painfully difficult scenes. Thanks to all who commented and a particular thanks to Julie Cohen - yet again hit the nail on the head for me.

A taste of things to come - a few photos from yesterday here at Penrith with the early arrivals and then it's off to breakfast and then a morning workshop on dealing with the media (well, I am ever hopeful!).....


Chris Stovell said...

Oh lovely, Liz - I do look forwards to your reports of the RNA conferences.

Flowerpot said...

I wish I could be there Liz but it's my mum's 80th birthday party and I really couldnt miss that!

Flowerpot said...

PS Give Trisha Ashley my love please!

HelenMWalters said...

Looks like you're having a great time!

Kate Lord Brown said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderful time from the Tweets - hope there will be space for a Newbie next year!

Leigh Russell said...

Sounds wonderful - especially learning to deal with the media... I could write a book about that! I've been invited to blog regularly on my local paper's website so am in close contact with journalists and can reveal that they are actually human!
I'll also be blogging regularly on and hope you'll come over and visit on Thursdays. My first post on there is entitled 'Men in Shorts', next one due on Thursday 16th July. You're welcome to come over and comment. I'll still be keeping up my own blog.

Henriette Gyland said...

Liz - Good to see there was a CSI officer present at the crime scene in the Boot & Shoe, because with so many romantic novelists gathered in one place anything can happen.

margaret blake said...

Thanks for posting, Liz. I found it very interesting. Wish I had been there.