Friday, February 13, 2009

Black Boxes released in Paperback and the RNA Romantic Novel of the Year Award

One of the best things as a writer, aside from seeing your own work in print (yes, I have but in non-fiction), is seeing friends' books out in the wide world. So after the lovely writerly day I had had before I was browsing in Smith's in Heathrow's terminal 3 looking for Trisha Ashley's book A Winter's Tale (which I found). I continued to roam the titles and then I made a little spectacle of myself when I squeaked upon finding Caroline Smailes' Black Boxes. I was so excited I whipped out my phone and took this dodgy photo! It turns out she's running a competition here for the best photo. Now, I know I won't win any prizes, but I can say I received more just by the flow of happy excitement that ran throw me!
Sorry for the post yesterday. I really wasn't on this planet, but did want to get the photos up as it was such a wonderful day and so many had seen me snapping away. But yesterday I existed in my own little jetlagged bubble trying to comprehend how I had been in both snow and sand storms in less than thirty-six hours..........
However CS Harris did ask how was the state of UK publishing...well, things are being cut like lunches to say the least and there had been a report in the press about the demise of the launch party unless the poor author paid. Also of concern is the huge discounting demanded by the supermarkets.
I did ask one agent about the market and she said new writers were still being sought (this surprised me) but it was a risky time for the midlist. Publishers were looking at ways to cut costs and this seemed to be their target. Sobering news to say the least.
Finally to the blogs that contained far better reports on the RNA Romantic Novel of the Year Lunch:


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

You'll love Trisha's, A Winters' Tale, it's fabulous (as are all her books). I found Black Boxes, but was so thrilled that I forgot to take a photo - such a nit!

Snow and sandstorms, such , but all added sources of inspiration for things to write about.

Thanks for the link too.

Liane Spicer said...

LOL re the squeak. I know exactly what you mean; I do it too when I see writer friends' books in stores. And my friend Stephe caused a small commotion when she saw mine in a store in Atlanta!

So, so exciting, isn't it? As a matter of fact, I think I'll drop by the mall bookstore today and see who I can spot on the shelves!

Caroline said...

I love that you squeaked! x