I am a total dental whimp and today fills me with horror and dread. A wisdom tooth is being extracted. That in itself is bad enough but this partiular one has roots that straddle the nerve running down my jaw which is why it has been left in place until now. However the infections it brings on have gone from once every two years to every six months. The blighter has got to go.......
So I am praying that no permanent nerve damage will take place and that the pain will not be as bad as this writers mind is making it....
Will report once I am out of the fog of the hopefully brilliant pain killers.
And huge hopes that it all goes well.
Huge hugs, once it's done it'll be gone for good
Oh dear:-(
Better to get shot of the blighter.
Thinking of you today.
I'm sure it won't be that bad. Good luck.
Big hugs from me too.
Once this is all over with, you'll be so relieved not to have those infections every so often.
You're doing the right thing but I'd be scared too :-(
I can't stand dentists either. Poor you. Lots of hugs.
It is scary, Liz, but, having been in the same position I can honestly say that I felt so much better for getting it done. Good luck.
Feeling :( for you.
Am sending lots of {{{{{}}}}}}s
(Have an on-going battle with my teeth too.)
Hope you're feeling :)ier very, very soon.
Liz - I hope it was much, much easier for you than you'd expected. P xxx
Hope it all went okay, I hate the Dentist aswell so know how you feel.
oh lordy I do sympathise Liz having had a gutful of dental problems over the last few years. Fingers crossed and thinking of you!
Bet it hurt like hell. But at least you won't ever have to have another one of those nasty infections. Hope you're on the mend now.
Ouch. My sympathies. Do you now look like you've been kicked in the face by a mule?
Best thing about pain: no human can remember it. Hope you're feeling better now.
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