Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lost Mojo Found!

It has been a long uphill struggle recently. Everything in me wanted to write and I did write, but what can I say - the zing just wasn't there. I worked and hoped that the magic would return. Through the uphill climb there were moment of light when I thought things were improving, but whack the clouds and mist came back down.

But two days ago I took the plunge and cut all the new work that I had done since April...yup - you read correctly. I don't really want to know what the word count was. I went back to the raw draft of Penderown and followed my gut. I opened with the scene in the National Gallery and boom the bl**dy thing finally works. I will not say that all the toil was for nothing because I know my characters much better and I have a clearer picture of the whole thing.

My mojo has also returned with gusto and the need to write new stuff is nearly killing me. Pilgrimage is tired of waiting for its turn and a new one has begun in my head - The Summer of the Black Hare. One day I will tell the original spark for this one, but it is meant to be is all I can say.

Today I am off to the Penzance Literary Festival - more info here. Because DS1 receives his AS results this morning I will miss Flowerpot's talk but will be attending Sarah Duncan's this afternoon and the bonus is I'm dragging the wonderful Judy Astley with me.


Talli Roland said...

That sounds fantastic, Liz! I've always wanted to go to Penzance and for a literary festival -- even better.

Fingers crossed for your son's results!

Unknown said...

Glad the mojo has returned!! Fingers crossed for DS1. Love to Judy and Sarah... *sobs* I wish I was there!!

Sarah Duncan said...

Taking the plunge and making a major cut that your heart says is right, even as your brain squeals 'Nooooo!' has always worked for me.

Hoping the talk this afternoon will add a sprinkling of inspiration to go with the magic publishing pixie dust I scattered you with after the last one.

Unknown said...

Tali - thanks ...will report back later

Biddy wish you were too!

Sarah - yes more pixie dust please!


Phillipa said...

That's very brave, Liz but you should go with your gut. I am so envious of you all going to the Penzance Lit Fest. I'll be down your way but not until mid September. It would have been fantastic to meet everyone and come to the festival. P xxx

Phillipa said...

Forgot to add: hope the results were what you all hoped for. P x

Kate Hardy said...

Glad your mojo's back, Liz - and fingers crossed for your son :)

Bluestocking Mum said...

Sometimes you just have to be brutal. Glad it's paid off and you feel better about things. Have a great time at the festival.

And good luck with son's results -I have 17 yr old. It's far harder waiting for his results than it was my own!

warm wishes

HelenMWalters said...

Wonderful. So glad you've got your mojo back x

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

So pleased you have your mojo back and that you're now happy with your book.

Hope DS1's results were as he hoped them to be.

Would love to be going to the literary festival, I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.

Flowerpot said...

Well done Liz for the drastic editing. Sorry you couldn't make our session - it was great fun! Couldn't go to Sarah's talk as I had to put mum on the train. Hope you enjoyed it. xx

sheepish said...

So so pleased for you and hope son gets the results he wants. I'm sure Cornwall is workng it's very particular magic on you. Hope you enjoyed Penzance[impossible not to really].

Alyssa Goodnight said...

So glad you got the mojo back, Liz!

And thank you so very much for your congratulations!

DJ Kirkby said...

Congrats on finding a way over your hurdle. You're very brave! I hope you cut and saved the words though as you may find they weave their way into something else in the future...

Susie Vereker said...

Good about the mojo! How brave to cut all that stuff.

Tana said...

I'm SO glad you're feeling it again! Sometimes when I get in a funk it usually has to do with a waning story line. I'm glad things got better!