I can't tell you how long it has been since I picked up a book and didn't stop reading until it was finished. It just doesn't happen very often these days. But yesterday after a solid day's work I began Fortunate Wager by Jan Jones and didn't put it down until after midnight (and as my family will attest - I don't stay awake beyond ten because I turn into a grumpy pumpkin) when it was blissfully finished. I enjoyed everything single second - didn't notice the prose or the style or any damn thing except the characters. I was caught in their world so totally I lost track of time - sheer bliss and so damn rare. The heroine will stay with me for a long time - she wasn't dim or stupid or a wimp as can so often happen in historicals. She was plucky and realistic and bloody hell I so wanted the world for her. The hero was perfect too.........
Simply brilliant if regencies float your boat and they do mine. I just love a good escape from my world.
Now back to the grist mill and to wonder if I love historicals so much why I don't write them (oh yes, I am a lazy sod who can't bothered to do all the research - ho hum)